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Lace Burl Redwood Busetto

The Cat and Mouse Dog-House
When planning bass #75 I felt a "diamond anniversary" bass deserved a little extra special treatment. I decided try my hand at carving a domesticated cat scroll instead of a lion, then one thing lead to another and a mouse showed up at the button. The cat ended up dragging some cat-nip leaves onto the front corners, and the mouse requested some wheat stalks on the back for snacking on. It also features exterior linings from one of my favorite trees, which add a touch of elegance, and diamonds both inside and out, because it's #75.

I chose to use some of the last my treasured mill pond salvaged Ponderosa Pine for the top. For the back I had to try some poplar because I have never have used it before. This bass is my classic Mill Street Milanese. It is extraordinarily easy to play and hear. The Ponderosa Pine top had been submerged for over 50 years before I got to it, which I think contributes to its lovely qualities as a tone wood. The sides are of Western Big Leaf Maple from a historic street tree that was cut down two blocks from our old home and shop in downtown Eugene. That maple tree makes up some part of most of my basses and these sides have some lovely color and flame. The back is Poplar from western Washington I recently got from my friend and fellow bass maker John Koehler. The Walnut exterior linings are from a tree from Hermiston, Oregon with some of the most lovely flame I've come across.
It won an audience favorite honorable mention at the 2023 International Society of Bassists Conference in Ann Arbor. Thank-you!

It lives in Eugene, and we are good friends with the owner, so if you arrange far enough in advance to visit, we may be able to convince him to bring it over! That's his cat in the photo on the red rug, but he looks a lot like our cat, Jerry Kitcia, who was the model for the scroll.

String length : 41 3/16 inches.
Dimensions across the back:
Body length including button: 46 ”
Upper bout: 19 5/8”
C-Bout: 14 1/4”
Lower bout: 26 5/8 "
Rib at Neck: 5 3/16 "
Rib at Upper Bout 7 "
Rib at End Pin 8 11/16 "

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